Mount Si

On Saturday went hiking to Mount Si, one of the quintessential Seattle hikes. It was a beautiful day, with a clear view of Mount Rainer from the top.

New York City

Had a fun quick trip to New York City. Spent several hours at the Museum of Modern Art. The MOMA is just amazing… it makes the SF MOMA just look so small and modest in comparison. I’m jealous of new yorkers who have such a rich collection in such a beautiful building so close to them.

In Boston!

…for Microsoft’s TechEd conference. Some flowers at Boston Public Garden     

Time Flies…

I’m trying to FlickR-backup all the random digital photos I’ve gotten from friends over the years.  I just ran across this one…  it’s from my 21st birthday.  It’s ridiculous how fast time flies.  Back in the day, my friend had this photo posted on her website.  I still remember being impressed that (a) she somehow added borders, and (b) it switched to B&W when you moused over it.   

Cousin Jeff’s Wedding

Yesterday, my cousin Jeff became the first of us on my dad’s side to get married.  My parents, brother, and I all joined up in Harrisburg, PA after independently LONG travel days. It was a beautiful wedding, made all the more special by being surrounded by my family, including my grandfather, aunt, uncle, and cousins.  (The latter of whom I haven’t seen in about 8 years.) Jeff and his bride, Elizabeth.

Zion National Park

Spent 2 days hiking and exploring Zion National Park.  Stayed in a cabin in the middle of the park, at the base of ac anyon wall. It was an awesome way to wind down after the Mix06 conference in Vegas…  

New Camera!

Got my camera!!!  Here’s one of the first pictures.  I call it “Seattle – Partly Sunny.”

Weather (AKA Murphy’s Law)

Next week is the Mix06 web conference in Vegas.  Guess when I’m leaving for Vegas?  (If you answered Saturday, you’re right.) Bastards.  (Yes, I really am blogging about the weather.)