About a month ago, I finally broken down & bought a negative scanner. I’ve slowly been digitalizing about 80 pounds (literally) worth of scrapbook photos.
A few of my favorites that I’ve recently scanned…
traveling on horseback to monteverde, costa rica
my friend vidya’s dance recital
my friend archana in the hoh rainforest
dali, china
I’m looking for a negative scanner and was wondering which one your purchased and are you really happy with.
Any advise or things to look for when I’m buying one.
Thanks for all your help and your pictures look wonderful
Hi Cheryl,
I have a Nikon CoolScan V ED. It was about $500, and worked great for me. The only painful thing about it is that it takes a long time… You have to manually feed in each negative strip/slide. And each photo takes about a minute to scan.
Being able to scan in all my old negatives was great. My dad right now is borrowing it to scan in all my grandfather’s old slides…
I would definitely recommend making the investment (both money & time) to digitalize everything.