1. I really like your samples. One thing to note though. I couldn’t get the 3d financial chart to work. I”m running RC1 on Vista 5728.

    System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Cannot create instance of ‘StockHost’ defined in assembly ‘FinanceHost, Version=1.0.2464.31068, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. Error at object ‘System.Windows.Controls.Grid’ in markup file ‘FinanceApplication;component/Scene1.xaml’. —> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. —> System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: Failed object initialization (ISupportInitialize.EndInit). Part URI cannot start with two forward slashes. Error at object ‘PortfolioDataSource’ in markup file ‘FinanceHost;component/stockhost.xaml’. —> System.ArgumentException: Part URI cannot start with two forward slashes.
    at System.IO.Packaging.PackUriHelper.ValidatePartUri(Uri partUri)

  2. Apologies for the delay – I’m currently investigating what’s causing the delay in posting. I’ll report back as soon as I have any news.

  3. During Tech-Ed SEA in Malaysia, u showed a sample program.
    It is the 3-D file explorer, like windows explorer but 3-D.
    It’s very cool & I need to do smoething like that.
    Will u be posting that code too?
    Or at least, can u point me to the right direction to start?

  4. I’m trying to see the XBAP’s and my Vista machine would not let me do so.
    Data execution prevention closes the WPF host.
    I need a sample html containing 3D xaml content perhaps in a frame.

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