“Badass” Photographer Shot
In my humble opinion. 🙂 photographer photo
In my humble opinion. 🙂 photographer photo
Know the trailers been out for a bit, but just saw it and thought I’d share. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out July 13th. (And just in case you weren’t counting, 66 days until the last book, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” is released!)
ImageKind is a digital printing online service that just announced a partnership with Flickr. It is “one community for creating, buying, and selling art.” They’ve got a bunch of interesting advantages for folks with digital pictures: I like my prints from Adorama… but when I print out the “digital size” (e.g. 11×17) its almost impossible to find frames for them. (And my crops to 8×10 or 16×20 just don’t look as good.) ImageKind provides framed prints at digital sizes. Canvas prints. Flickr integration, which means no uploading of huge files in two places. And of course, the amateur’s dream of selling his/her photos …
This afternoon, I went to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (MOMA). Their current exhibit is “Picasso and American Art.” The whole thing is VERY well done: the selections, the layout, the audio tour. The goal of the exhibit is to showcase how Picasso influenced modern art in America. Sometimes the “influence” was very direct. For instance, the below Arshile Gorky‘s Blue Figure in Chair is based directly on Picasso‘s Femme Asise (Seated Woman). In general, though, the American artists first tried to imitate Picasso’s style, and then extend and go beyond it. It’s interesting to see the early attempts – Picasso’s work has such cohesion, beauty, and …
I just read an excellent Washington Post article. The Post had Joshua Bell, world renown violinist, play as an anonymous street musician in the DC metro during morning rush hour. After 43 minutes of playing, Joshua Bell made $32.17. Joshua Bell concert tickets usually go for $100 minimum. In the metro, 1070 people walked past him. Only 7 people stopped to listen (for even a minute). The articles practically begs you to ask yourself: Would I have stopped and listened? The question is not a test of whether you have the capacity to appreciate that caliber of music. It’s whether you would have allowed yourself to …
My friend had a folks over yesterday to enjoy the cherry blossoms in her neighborhood. Out of 15 people, 4 had SLRs. It was a great day for photographs… cherry blossoms photographer blue flowers tea inspired self-portrait