Yep. That’s a rhyming blog post title. Anyways.
Mix09 is next week. As you can tell from the title of our talks… You’ll get to see Silverlight 3 at Mix this year!
Here are some of the core Silverlight talks (including one by me).
Also note the ambiguously named talk by Mike Harsh – I can’t wait for that session!
Wow, Vegas for the first weekend of the NCAA Tournament! Nice…
worryingly no talks labelled “3D with silverlight”
Kit3D has not been updated for months
I hope many of these sessions will be recorded on line, like PDC
Do you know how soon after PDC that SL3 will be available?
Sorry … I meant MIX 09 … not PDC
The videos should be available about 48 hours after their recorded. I’ll post a link once it’s up.
Karen, your session was simply fabulous. The best session at MIX09, without a challenge. Thanks for the great tips on SL2 and a preview of what’s coming in SL3. Simply put: Flex? What Flex?
I was there and it was one of the best sessions. Given the time, you went thru the session fabulously managing the time. Are you going to post all your code somewhere? I really want to go thru in detail. Thanks.
@memals – We do have projected 3d! Watch Seema Ramchandani’s talk!
@ramesh – I’ll post all the code, deck, & link to video this week!