Elephant Sanctuary

Based on a recommendation, my friend Chris & I headed out to the Kuala Gandah, an elephant sanctuary about 2 hours outside of Kuala Lumpur.  We had the most excellent Mr Razali as our guide. The elephants at the sanctuary were found injured and/or trapped.  The sanctuary also runs an elephant rescue & relocation program.  Much of the elephants’ natural habitat in Malaysia is now plantation crop & many elephants are trapped in “islands” of forest that are too small to sustain them.  The sanctuary tries to mitigate this by relocating them to the national forest for protection. The highlight our trip was the baby elephants – Siput (female, 10 months) …

Petronas Towers

The Petronas Twin Towers were beautiful at night.  It’s no wondering they’re a symbol of Malaysia.

Asia Travels

On Thursday, I leave for Malaysia & China for a trip with equal parts business and pleasure.  Very excited! I’m bringing along both my film SLR & my digital point and shoot.  So they’ll be some real time photo and a bunch of back-postings when I return.   Malaysia time: gmt/utc +8 (noon in seattle = 3am next day in kuala lumpur) currency: 1 usd = 3.68 ringgit (rm) weather: 80F, showers (forecast)   China time: gmt/utc +8 (noon in seattle = 3am next day in beijing) currency: 1 usd = 7.97 yuan weather: 80F, rain (forecast) 

Redwood National Forest

This past weekend, I was in Arcata, California with my folks for a wedding.  We wandered up to Redwood National Forest yesterday.  It was incredibly foggy… and a bit too reminiscent of Seattle weather.  🙂  But it was incredibly beautiful, and we had a fun time. the redwoods.   driftwood on the shore   my parents   an old house in trinidad

More Photos from Travels

Going through my stacks of negatives, it hit me how lucky I’ve been to travel. Here are a few more of my favorites from an early 2004 trip. charles bridge in prague, czech republic   prague, czech republic   park guell in barcelona, spain   kunming, china   tiger leaping gorge, china

Negative Scanner & Photos

About a month ago, I finally broken down & bought a negative scanner. I’ve slowly been digitalizing about 80 pounds (literally) worth of scrapbook photos. A few of my favorites that I’ve recently scanned… traveling on horseback to monteverde, costa rica my friend vidya’s dance recital my friend archana in the hoh rainforest dali, china

New York City

Had a fun quick trip to New York City. Spent several hours at the Museum of Modern Art. The MOMA is just amazing… it makes the SF MOMA just look so small and modest in comparison. I’m jealous of new yorkers who have such a rich collection in such a beautiful building so close to them.

In Boston!

…for Microsoft’s TechEd conference. Some flowers at Boston Public Garden     

Zion National Park

Spent 2 days hiking and exploring Zion National Park.  Stayed in a cabin in the middle of the park, at the base of ac anyon wall. It was an awesome way to wind down after the Mix06 conference in Vegas…  

Film, Digital, & Vacation Photos

Just got the last of my film developed (yes, developed 🙂 ) from Thailand/Cambodia.  This roll was b&w of Angkor.  I’ve posted the ones I liked. On the camera front, some news:  I’ve just ordered my very first digital camera, a Fuji V10.  This means I’m officially retiring my trusty 8 year old film point & shoot.  I’ll still be using my film SLR… but I suspect that once Nikon’s digital SLRs, like the D200, come down to a reasonable price (AKA not $1600) I will probably be swayed.  The practicialities of digital are hard to deny…  Not carrying around a 10 lb SLR w/ a bag of film.  Preview …