Here are some of the Silverlight-focused PDC sessions. Hope to see you there! Session Time Speaker Expression Blend: Tips and Tricks Mon 10/2712:45-1:30pm Pete Blois,Douglas Olson Silverlight, WPF, and the .NET Framework: Sharing Skills and Code Mon 10/273:30 – 4:45PM Ian Ellison-Taylor Silverlight: Building Business Focused Apps Tues 10/283:30 – 4:45pm Jamie Cool Deep Dive: Building an Optimized, Graphics-Intensive Application in Microsoft Silverlight Tues 10/285:15 – 6:30pm SeemaRamchandani Silverlight Controls Roadmap Wed10/2912:00 – 12:45pm Shawn Burke Inside the Olympics: An Architecture and Development Overivew Wed 10/291:15 – 2:30pm Eric Schmidt, Jason Suess Microsoft Silverlight 2: Control Model Thurs 10/3010:15 …