Film, Digital, & Vacation Photos

Just got the last of my film developed (yes, developed 🙂 ) from Thailand/Cambodia.  This roll was b&w of Angkor.  I’ve posted the ones I liked.

On the camera front, some news:  I’ve just ordered my very first digital camera, a Fuji V10

This means I’m officially retiring my trusty 8 year old film point & shoot.  I’ll still be using my film SLR… but I suspect that once Nikon’s digital SLRs, like the D200, come down to a reasonable price (AKA not $1600) I will probably be swayed. 

The practicialities of digital are hard to deny…  Not carrying around a 10 lb SLR w/ a bag of film.  Preview capabilities.  Photoshop-ness.   

That being said, I still love the clarity, color, and crispness (I sound like I’m describing diamonds) of film prints.  I just finished my vacation scrapbook, and thumbing through it, you can tell which photos were film and which were digital prints… 


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